Odette Welvaars
Antiques & Interior Architecture
As long as I can remember antique furniture and objects have been part of my life. My father, an antique dealer, showed me all his new treasures and learned me a lot about them. Later, when I finished my study interior decoration, I realized that things of the past add an extra dimension to an interior.
Mixing modern items with antique of all ages can be very exciting. Bringing objects of different countries together gives more content to an interior. If clients ask me to help them we discover together which atmosphere feels good to them.
Forty years ago I started buying in Europe (Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Sweden) All my contacts of these years make it possible to find a lot of beautiful items today. The first twenty years my base was situated in a farmhouse in the south of Holland. The last twenty years I found my home and shop in Amsterdam in a canal house. I consider myself lucky to be surrounded by positive inspiring personalities.
My restorers, upholsters and other creative craftsmen make it possible to complete the interiors. I will always continue to search antiques and objects for my clients, also in order to decorate their houses.